Säkringar är elektriska skyddsanordningar. De är tillverkade av ett termoplastiskt skal och en smältbar länk av zinklegering (Zn) eller kopparlegering (Cu). MTA:s säkringar är utvecklade enligt ISO-standarder och deras sortiment omfattar både bladförsedda och bultförsedda typer.
Vi erbjuder högkvalitativa standard- och specialtillverkade säkringshållare i material som passar din applikation, vanligtvis PA6 och PBT. Bultarna är tillverkade i rostfritt stål för hög åtdragningsmoment. Säkringshållare kan levereras färdigmonterade med säkringar och brytare för din bekvämlighet.

Blade type fuses
Compliant with ISO 8820-3 Standard (Type F). This medium slow fuse is the most popular standard in automotive protection for low cross-section wires. Made of Zinc alloy.

Blade type fuses
Compliant with ISO 8820-3 Standard (Type C), the first standard automotive blade fuse. Made of Zinc alloy

Blade type fuses
Compliant with ISO 8820-10 Standard (Type L, high current miniature). Made of Zinc alloy.

Blade type fuses
Family of blade fuses in development, complying with high current capabilities of Type “E” fuses (refer to ISO 8820-3 Standard) and with reduced dimensions as Type “L” fuses (refer to ISO 8820-10 Standard). Made of Zinc alloy.

Blade type fuses
Compliant with ISO 8820-3 Standard (Type E). Most applied standard to protect medium-heavy wires. Its slow blow operating characteristics allow high peak inrush currents with heavy duty cycle. Made of Zinc alloy.

Blade type fuses
MidiVAL® fuses are compliant with ISO 8820-5 Standard, applicable to automotive bolt-on Fuses. They allow space reduction compared to MegaVAL® for high current wiring protection. The operating features are characterized by strong time delay characteristics. Made of Zinc alloy.
Bolt Down Fuses 12V/ 24V
If compared to the MegaVal, the MegaCompact allows for a reduction in area and volume about 30%

Strip type fuses
MegaVAL® fuses are compliant with ISO 8820-5 Standard, recommended for the protection of heavy cross-section wires with heavy current duty. Made of Zinc alloy (100 ÷ 250 A) and Copper (300A÷500A), to optimize the performance to the nominal current. Also available as with complete copper alloy (100 ÷ 250 A)
Bolt Down Fuses 12V / 24V
Main Characteristics:
OHM Value assessed and optimised to guarantee the lowest possible voltage drop on the line.
High capacity to sustain heavy power surges
Operating time curve to ensure efficient protection of the entire range of electrical malfunctions
Shape and dimensions of PowerVAL allows its interchangeability with MegaVal.
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