Switches & Sensors for Aerospace & Defence

Honeywell is a leading supplier to engine and auxiliary power unit (APU) manufacturers for fuel, air, and lubrication systems to meet the needs of on-engine sensing and interface for FADEC/DEEC control systems.

  • Temperature sensors
  • Position transducers
  • Speed sensors
  • Oil level sensors
  • Pressure and level switches

These products are also used in engine valves and hydraulic systems: position and sensing products with enhanced reliability and temperature/vibration performance. Honeywell engineers have industry-wide expertise in the design and integration of switch and sensor assemblies for engine control systems.

Honeywell maintains relevant approvals: ISO 9000; 2000; AS 9100; QS 9000; EASA21 subpart G; EASA 145; ISO 14000; FAA-certified Rep

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Proximity Sensors

General Aerospace Proximity Sensors (GAPS) & Harsh Aerospace Proximity Sensors (HAPS),

General Aerospace Proximity Sensors (GAPS) and Harsh Aerospace Proximity Sensors (HAPS), incorporate Honeywell’s patented Integrated Health Monitoring functionality, however the products have some technical differences that allow them to be used in various aerospace applications.

GAPS can be used in less harsh areas of application with some differences of electrical and environmental characteristics when compared to HAPS. Whilst, HAPS Aerospace Proximity Sensors are configurable, non-contact, hermetically sealed devices designed to sense the presence or absence of a target in harsh-duty aircraft applications.

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Resolver & Precision Pots

Variable transformers in which both rotor and stator usually have two phase windings mechanically displaced by 90°. Typically sine and cosine channel outputs. Provide non-contact measurement for 360° sensing, enhanced accuracy, resolution, and repeatability. Often used in ATOM – gunners site position (azimuth and elevation), forward looking radar, missile guidance, solar panel position, and antenna position apps

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Variable Reluctance Speed Sensors

Variable transformers in which both rotor and stator usually have two phase windings mechanically displaced by 90°. Typically sine and cosine channel outputs.

Provide non-contact measurement for 360° sensing, enhanced accuracy, resolution, and repeatability. Often used in ATOM – gunners site position (azimuth and elevation), forward looking radar, missile guidance, solar panel position, and antenna position apps

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The Transportation Attitude Reference Sensor or TARS-IMU is a packaged sensor array designed to report vehicle angular rate, acceleration, and inclination for demanding transportation applications.

TARS-IMU enables autonomous vehicle characteristics and enhances efficiency and productivity by reporting key data required to automate and monitor movements of vehicle systems and components.

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Micro Switch | Sealed Switches

Military performance standard and most global approvals. Environmental and hermetic sealing to resist many severe environment conditions, changes in atmospheric pressures/temperatures.

Potential applications include aircraft landing gear and flap/stabilizer controls, de-icers, doors/slides, engine thrust reversers, space vehicles, armored personnel carriers, weapon systems, and wingfold actuators.

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Micro Switch | Pushbutton & Toggle Switches

Hermetic and environmentally sealed pushbutton and toggle switches offer reliable operations with MICRO SWITCH technology.

Often used in applications where a panel-mount switch with an environment-proof rating is needed, including military and commercial aviation and process control.

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Precision Thermostats

Hermetic/non-hermetic devices available. High reliability versions meet stringent requirements of military and aerospace industries for dielectric strength, moisture, resistance, vibration, and shock.

Often used in environmental and flight controls, aerospace engines, flight decks, cargo holds, landing gear, and space craft

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Packaged Temperature Probes

Compact, lightweight. Operate with enhanced sensitivity, reliability, and stability under diverse conditions of shock, vibration, humidity, and corrosion. Variety of custom packages available for air, liquid, and solid temperature sensing applications.

Often used for engine bleed air, operator controls, environmental control systems, and weather stations

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Pressure Sensors & Switches

Engineered with fully steel media isolating with stainless steel and no internal elastomeric seals. Resistant to harsh, aggressive media, and challenging environments.

Applications include aerospace (environmenatal systems, engines, fuel pressure, and hydraulic systems), military ground vehicles, ordnance and munitions release systems, and military maritime systems


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